Top 10 Best Xiaomi Themes For MIUI 6/7/8/9 You must Try


Top 10 Best Xiaomi themes: Hello MIUI Users, Are you using xiaomi phone you may be bored of the miui official ROM. Yes MIUI is one of the best ROM it has many useful features in it like scheduling a message. But sometimes we fed up using the same features and want to try something new. You want to experience stock androids and ios on your Xiaomi phones.

You might be wondering :

How can you do it?

You don’t have to root your phone either or install custom ROM in it.

MIUI  have created thousands of best xiaomi themes to customize your Xiaomi.

And experience the stock ROM and IOS easily.

From these thousands of themes, I have listed top 10 best xiaomi themes for you these themes are available on your miui themes store. So let’s check out the best MIUI 8 themes collection.

Note- I have tried all the themes on my Redmi 4 running on MIUI 8 they all are working fine and looking great.


Best MIUI Theme  Collection:

#1 IOS alakadarnya v8.3

This theme is one of the top MIUI IOS themes for you if you want to experience IOS. With this theme, you can make your XIaomi phone look like Apple will change your icons similar to apple you will get iTunes, app store and safari icon on your phone. you will get a similar dialer to apple. You can see in the below screenshot:

ios theme for miuiios theme for miui ios theme for miui

#2 Pixel Experience

Looking for a stock Android N like theme?  Now you can experience Pixel by installing this theme in your MIUI. you will get a rounded icon in this theme and a similar music widget on the lock screen. Background wallpapers and icons will change similar to google stock android. You can give it try to see the below screenshots.

pixel themepixel theme

#3 Nuclea ROM

This theme is based on Captain America. You will get a shield of Captain America in the background and with that, you will get rounded icons in the menu. Except this everything is approximately similar in this theme you can check the screenshot below :

xiaomi theme best xiaomi themes

#4 Wabi Pro Ara

This theme is the winner of MIUI theme competition 2017. It has extremely powerful customization option in it. It has lock screen edit mode by which you can edit your clock and lock icon position and many things on the lock screen. Lockscreen free collocation helps you to adjust the wallpaper position on the lock screen. It contains three lock screen music interface.Wabi themes provide a more precise design specification of material icons. You must give it a try.

wabi pro arawabi pro ara

#5 Animax  Pro [DD]

This theme is the runner-up of miui theme completion. This is a 3d theme you can experience animated icons in this theme that will make your phone. Animated icons look very beautiful on your phone. This theme is available on MIUI 8 and above it. you can take a look at the below screenshots:

animax pro animax pro

#6 Owell[DD]

An Owell theme is one of the top themes for MIUI 6/7/8. It has many features like 24*7 clock and animated lock screen and home screen wallpapers. You can change clock mode by double tapping on the home screen :

owell theme owell theme

#7 Dark 2 Dawn [DD]

It has a very beautiful dark UI theme and a customized notification page and is only available on MIUI Global Rom. it has dynamic live icons for calendar and clock. You can download it by searching on “Dark 2 Dawn”  on  MIUI theme store.

dark 2 dawn dark miui theme


UFORIA is based on a dark theme. It has an animated home screen contains three clock widgets. You can customize different color on this theme just see the bellow gif of this Theme.

uforia theme top 10 miui theme

#9 Xperia Spring Theme

xperia theme

It is an official Spring Theme for Xperia. You can customize everything from the lock screen to home screen wallpapers to icons, colors, and buttons. It requires Android 5.0 and above for installation. Just see the below screenshots and you can get this theme from play store.

#10 Dreams in your Arms

dreams in your arms dreams in your arms

This theme is designed by StuepD93. It is only 5.9MB in Size and another flat theme for xiaomi. It has many beautiful colourfull options in it. You can use it on your MIUI 8 version and you can grab it from MIUI theme store.

So these are the best Xiaomi themes that you can use in your my phone and customize your look unique from other phones. I  hope you like these best miui 8 themes collection you can try these themes and give us feedback in comments.


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